JRC Web Accessories uses Autodesk Inventor® to engineer and design its' products (see below if you use another package). To speed your machine design process, we are happy to share the solid models. For standard products, navigate to the product detail and look for the tab labeled "Download Files (PDF, IPT, STEP and more)". (sample below)
Typically, for custom products we will provide a PDF only of the drawing and quote. However, solid model and / or drawing files are provided upon request at no additional charge.
What if I use a different modeling / CAD package?
First try the STEP file. If that fails, we can export to (listed
alphabetically): *.bmp *.dwf *.dwg *.idw *.igs *.ige *.iges *.ipt *.pdf *.ptp
*.sat *.stl *.stp *.ste, *.stp *.xgl *.zgl. Please contact customer
service for this free service.
Here are some links to other useful Inventor Tips, Tutorials, Downloads
and Addins
Inventor Addins, Parts, Tutorials and more: KWIKmcad