3" Diameter JRC Air Shaft for Webtron 650 / 750 - MD Series (No Adapter or Bolt)
- Pays for itself in very little time due to decreased down time during roll changes.
- No tools necessary.
- Empty cores remove instantly.
- Less chance of telescoping rolls when placing roll on arbor.
- No parts to remove or lose.
- Compensates for wide variation of core inside diameters automatically.
- Eliminates possibility of core damage.
- Drives equally in both directions (accelerating and decelerating)
- Interchangeable with any arbor mounted type chuck.
- Fully expanding periphery for maximum holding power.
- Lugs are limited by outer body in order to prevent over expansion (inflation without a core does not damage bladder)
- Bladder is fully protected by outer body whether inflated or deflated.
- Large bladder diameter produces maximum possible holding torque.